Smart City and Fintech Event, Sectoral Trade Delegation on Software and IT Services

Findaso at a B2B event in Dubai


Findaso at a B2B event in Dubai

Smart City and Fintech Event, Sectoral Trade Delegation on Software and IT Services
Pazartesi, 26 Haziran,2023

Smart cities have emerged as the epitome of urban development, leveraging technology to enhance the quality of life for citizens. Findaso, a pioneering digital platform, recently participated in a significant B2B event held in Dubai—the Smart City and Fintech Event, Sectoral Trade Delegation on Software and IT Services. Organized in collaboration with Hizmet İhracatçıları Birliği and Türkiye Exporters Assembly - Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi, this event provided a unique platform for industry leaders to explore the intersection of fintech and smart city advancements. This blog explores Findaso's participation in the event and delves into the ways digital platforms like Findaso can revolutionize the development and management of smart cities worldwide.

The Rise of Smart Cities 

The concept of smart cities has gained considerable traction in recent years, as urbanization and technological advancements continue to reshape the world we live in. With the rapid growth of interconnected devices, data analytics, and artificial intelligence, smart cities present a transformative opportunity for sustainable and efficient urban living. Findaso recognizes the immense potential of this paradigm shift and actively participates in events that promote the exploration of smart city solutions.

Findaso's Participation in the Event

Findaso had the privilege of representing its innovative digital platform at a prestigious event that focused on software, IT services, and the fintech industry within the context of smart cities. The event provided a platform for industry leaders, experts, and professionals to exchange ideas, share insights, and foster collaborations. Findaso showcased its cutting-edge technology and highlighted its role in facilitating the development and management of smart cities.

During the event, Findaso's team engaged in meaningful discussions with other participants, exploring the potential of digital platforms in addressing the complex challenges faced by cities worldwide. Through informative sessions and networking opportunities, Findaso built valuable connections with industry pioneers and established a strong foundation for future collaborations.

Transforming Urban Development with Findaso 

Findaso envisions a future where digital platforms play a pivotal role in transforming urban development and the management of smart cities. By integrating diverse data sources, advanced analytics, and user-friendly interfaces, Findaso empowers city authorities, businesses, and citizens to make informed decisions, streamline processes, and improve the overall quality of life.

Main Challenges for Smart Cities

Smart cities face several challenges in terms of Tender Facilitation, Vendor Selection, Payment Processing, Reporting, and Analysis for their projects. Some of these challenges include:

1) Tender Facilitation:

Complexity of Tender Documents: Smart city projects often involve complex technical requirements and specifications, making the creation and management of tender documents challenging.

Time-consuming Evaluation Process: Evaluating tender submissions and selecting the most suitable vendor can be a time-consuming task, especially when dealing with numerous proposals.

Lack of Transparency: Ensuring transparency throughout the tender process, including bid evaluation and selection, can be a challenge, leading to potential conflicts of interest or favoritism.

2) Vendor Selection:

Assessing Vendor Capabilities: Evaluating vendors based on their experience, qualifications, technical expertise, and track record can be a daunting task for smart city project managers.

Compatibility With Project Goals: Selecting vendors that align with the project's objectives and long-term vision can be challenging, as it requires a thorough understanding of the project's requirements and goals.

Managing Vendor Relationships: Building and maintaining strong vendor relationships, ensuring effective communication, and addressing any potential conflicts or issues can be a challenge.

3) Payment Processing:

Managing Multiple Payment Channels: Dealing with multiple vendors and diverse payment methods can complicate the payment processing system for smart city projects.

Ensuring Accuracy and Timeliness: Processing payments accurately and on time while managing complex project budgets and funding sources can pose challenges.

Transparency and Accountability: Maintaining transparency in payment processes, tracking invoices, and ensuring accountability in financial transactions can be a challenge.

4) Reporting and Analysis:

Data Integration and Standardization: Consolidating data from various sources and systems, and standardizing it for effective reporting and analysis, can be a complex task.

Data Quality and Accuracy: Ensuring data accuracy, completeness, and reliability for meaningful analysis can be challenging, especially when dealing with large volumes of data.

Extracting Actionable Insights: Transforming raw data into actionable insights and providing meaningful reports and analysis to support decision-making can be a challenge.

Addressing these challenges requires efficient processes, advanced technologies, and streamlined workflows. The Findaso platform helps overcome these challenges by providing a centralized marketplace for tender facilitation, vendor evaluation tools, streamlined payment processing, and robust reporting and analysis capabilities. It simplifies the overall management of these processes, enhances transparency, facilitates data-driven decision-making, and supports the successful implementation of smart city projects.


Findaso's participation in the event highlighted the transformative potential of digital platforms in developing and managing smart cities worldwide. By embracing technological innovation and harnessing the power of data, Findaso envisions a future where cities thrive through seamless digital solutions. As urban populations continue to grow, the importance of digital platforms like Findaso becomes increasingly apparent in creating sustainable, efficient, and citizen-centric smart cities. By collaborating with industry leaders and actively participating in events, Findaso aims to shape the future of urban development and drive positive change in smart cities across the globe.