About Mahdi

DevOps engineer, Fast-learner, Interested in Data and Cloud Tech, Pragmatic - Belief in theoretical Work

Highly skilled in communication with the development and business team.

Mostly self-taught, Strong searchability


Linux System Administration (LPIC 1,2), Kubernetes, Docker, Ansible, Terraform, Helm chart, GitHub Actions, Gitlab-ci, ArgoCD, Nginx, Envoyproxy, HAProxy, Git, Gitlab, Bash, Python, Prometheus, Grafana, EFK Stack, fluentd, Kafka, Redis, Elasticsearch, Mysql, Postgresql, Influxdb, Keycloak SSO, PFSense, Sentry, OS Hardeningcompany/new


Nizek Co., Iran — DevOps engineer 2022 - Present

Main used technologies: AWS, DigitalOcean, GCP, Terraform,

Kubernetes, Gitlab, GitHub Actions, EFK Logging, Prometheus, Grafana,

GitOps, ArgoCD

- Setup and troubleshoot Kubernetes cluster on digitalocean via terraform

- Implement GitOps with gitlab-ci and argoCD, with trunk-base workflow

- Setup CI/CD with build, test, sonarqube analysis and security analysis for

android application

- Setup integration test and load test for some project

- Write an exporter for Prometheus with nodejs

- Write a telegram bot to cleanup some alerting channel with nodejs

Shaya Smart Solution - Asa.Co, Iran — DevOps engineer

2021 - 2022

Main used technologies: Microservices, Kubernetes, infrastructure as code

- Deploy a microservice on Kubernetes

- Create and Manage CI/CD for a python microservice

- Setup SSO with Keycloak for tools and services

- Setup and maintain Kafka Cluster with SSL/SASL

- Setup and maintain Redis Cluster

- Setup and maintain Elasticsearch Cluster

- Setup and maintain Sentry on-promise

- Setup monitoring and alerting for all services and tools

- Setup Nexus3 for docker registry, helm repo, PyPI repo

Kavano Co., Iran — DevOps engineer

2020 - 2021

Main used technologies: Docker Products, Web Servers, Firewall, Monitoring, CICD

- Dockerize PHP and node js projects

- Working with Nginx and Apache web servers

- Setup and maintain PFsense Firewall

- Setup and maintain HAProxy


Payam Noor — Bachelor's degree, Computer Software Engineering

2018 - Still

Devops SRE Linux System Administration Kubernetes Docker Gitlab Python Mysql Redis
There is currently no portfolio added.

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