About Behnam

A developer with a strong academic background and problem-solving skills. Experienced .NET Backend Developer with 7 years of experiencein developing software and services for businesses focused on online travel and booking services, accounting, e-commerce. Highly adept in all development stages, from initial analysis through design, prototyping, implementation, and execution. With hands-on experience in development, distributed systems, microservice, and DevOps engineering.


Programming Languages



RabbitMQ, Kafka, Gray Log, Datadog, gRPC,

SignalR, Docker,K8S


Unit Test, E2E Test


.Net Core, ASP.Net Core, ASP.Net MVC, EF



Redis, SQL Server, Postgresql


Solid, DDD, OOP, Clean Code, AOP, BDD


Atigh Gasht Company: MrBilit, BackEnd Developer

Jan 2022 – present

A travel agency focused on travel-relative service like airplane, train, bus bookings and hotel reservations. I took ownership of Flight, Bundle, Bus, and Train services, maintained them, developed new features and deployed monitoring services for them.

Tasks and Responsibilities

•Collaborated closely with other developers on cross-functional teams, including product managers, frontend developers, designers, etc.

•Wrote unit tests for sensitive business logic code

•Designed architecture based on DDD principles and migrated legacy bus service to the newly created architecture

•Designed prototyped and implemented an integration service between flight and hotel

•Detected raze conditions in the reservation flow and handled them by using destributed lock

Skills:C#, .Net, Asp.net Core, EF Core, SQL Server, Redis, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Grafana, GrayLog, SignalR, GRPC, Microservice, Unit Test

Radar361, BackEnd Developer

Jun 2021 – Jan 2022

Radar361 is a search engine for domestic hotels and flight which provides price comparison between multiple providers.

Tasks and Responsibilities

•Support both on demand and periodic price update policy using hangfire

•Used redis for caching specific data, optimizing application response time by 20%

•Restricting the number of requests in order to prevent brute-force attacks by implementing a rate limiter

•Detected some of services bottle-necks, analyzed flame graph and improved performance by 50%


C#, .Net, Asp.net Core, EF Core, postgras, Hangfire, Redis, redlock

Rangarang Software Group, BackEnd Developer

Mar 2018 – Jun 2021

Rangarang is printing E-Commerce in which I wrote an accounting application alongside the main backend application.

Tasks and Responsibilities

•Designed the whole application database schema and the relations between them

•Analyzed actual execution plan to find optimum indexes

•Deployed the application with sentry for monitoring


ASP.Net MVC, EF, Jwt, SQL Server, Docker, nginx


Islamic Azad University Of Najafabad,

Bachelor, Information Tecnology (IT)

Sep 2011 – Sep 2015

C# C++ Redis SQL Server Postgresql RabbitMQ Kafka Datadog SignalR Docker .Net Core ASP.Net MVC EF Core Solid DDD BDD AOP Hangfire nginx
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